Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Here I go again

Let me start off by saying how I dislike my job. With that being said, I dislike my boss too. I graduated from college with a BS and the intent on getting my MSW, but I ended up in a great job, so that postponed my plan a bit. I was a counselor at Job Corps, I worked with the kids who were brand new to the center, so they were a bit on the needy side. I loved working with them, I really felt like I was making a difference, and came to love some of those kids, even the bad ass ones. But all good things must come to an end, there were some issues I had with the buerocracy there. So then I decided working at Parsons would be a positive step, after getting attacked, bit, verbally abused, punched in the face, lied to, cried to, laughed with, loved, I decided I couldnt stay there anymore. It is an emotionally draining job, and sometimes I didnt see what Parsons was doing as a benefit to these kids, and since I couldnt change the policies I left... Years later Im an Assistant Program Manager at GE. How I made that jump, I dont even know, and in hindsight, I shouldnt have. I thought an office job was what I wanted, it makes sense, there is more money in jobs like this, its 'less stressful', it just seemed like a good idea. Well, my stress level hasnt gone down, there is nothing rewarding about what I do, I feel like its high school, Ive never seen such petty backstabbing and gossiping. Being someone who loves women, I sure hate working with them...
Ok Im done with that now.

So, on the girl front, the one I thought was using me, Im still not convinced she isnt, but she explained some things, not sure if that makes it better or worse, lol.
Another is mad at me because I never told her before that if she didnt get with her girlfriend, that I thought she and I would be dating. I am generally a decent person and saying something like that to someone with a girlfriend is wrong in my opinion...
But I think I have found someone special, not neccessarily my someone special, but I like her, she likes me and we are going to take it slow and see what happens... thats all anyone can really do...
Who knows, if it doesnt work out with her, maybe someone else will catch up with the times... and be ready.

And just a quick piece of fashion advice before I go, white socks should be worn with sneakers, nothing else. If you have black pants on, you A. shouldnt have white sneakers on and B. shouldnt have white socks on.
The end.

Peace out girl scout(ers)
The angry bee.

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