Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I think Im heading down a road to get myself into quite the predicament. Im not sure what I want to do, nor am I ready to stop either of the things heading me toward said predicament.

In other news, people never cease to amaze me. How they can say one thing to you, and do something completely different, and then try to make excuses for it. I can never be faulted for things like that, Im just far too honest for that. Sometimes Im too blunt, sometimes I ask too many questions, sometimes I do hold back but thats more of a protection for me... Im not going to just walk into something and get myself hurt, ya know? But Im not going to tell someone one thing, and then do something different. Even if you have the perfect explanation, or reason, it makes people think less of you, you sort of end up looking like a liar, it breaks the trust barrier down, its just bad business.

In more random news, for the first time it seems like Im the good child at work. My boss is being super nice to me, while spreading her wrath on my co-workers... Its nice for a change, I know it wont last long, but really its nice.

So I have my first "official" date in a really long time tonight. The other night was called a date after the fact, but there is just way too much with that girl... tonights girl, although there is some luggage (the polite word for baggage) its not necessarily negative luggage, just luggage...
LL Cool B might be back, because I am so sick of girls games, that its time I take control and dont let anything matter...

peace out girlscout(ers)
angry bee

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