Monday, August 16, 2010

Timing and I might just be friends

So I dont want to get ahead of myself, but I think things might be going my way, or at least starting to. My fingers are crossed that a potential new job will fall into place. This in itself would make a world of difference for the majority of my unhappiness. In this dreadful economy, led by a blind man who says he sees good things in the future, uh, youre blind, you dont see anything. Sorry back to my point, every morning is dreaded knowing I have to go to my awful job. But Ive taken on a new way of thinking, anytime someone pisses me off, I remind them to focus. What I am really saying is F*ck Off Cuz U're Stupid. That makes me feel better :) Until I realize it really wont change how much everything sucks.
Another postiive, Ive found two houses that Im going to look further into, for the potential of owning my own home. This is really exciting to me, however, I truly had no idea exactly what it all entails, and it certainly does involve ALOT. Its huge to do alone, but at the same time, Im not so sure I want to do it with someone else, because well, I havent seen a happy lesbian couple that actually successfully bought a house together and lasted... Plus it would be nice to own something of my own, aside from my car, lol. Granted the bank will own it for the majority of my life, but still, lol.
And then there is my love life... Ive finally met some girls that no one I know has talked to, dated, slept with or even knows for that matter. And so far so good. Im not going to get ahead of myself and think its going somewhere it isnt, but I definitely see potential and positives with this one... And if not, there is another as well... LL Cool B didnt die or anything ;)

Okay thats all I got for now...
angry bee

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Airplanes in the night sky...

Lets be real, airplanes in the night sky arent going to grant us a wish. There is no genie. Life is what we make of it. You really do get what you put in. The people in your life are a reflection of you. What someone does to you is absolutely because you have done it to someone else. And it comes back on you worse then what you did to someone else.
I hear people complaining all the time, that includes the voices in my own head, about some bs happening to them or me, but guess what, it really is karma. If you fed someone the "Its not you its me line" guess what, thats coming back at you even harder from someone you really like. It seems like Karma hits the wrong people sometimes though. Because I know for damn sure I wish what comes around goes around, and I wish it happened quickly to some people. There are people in my life that it kills me knowing all the things they did to me, and they are happy or living the life that I was wishing on airplanes in the night sky for... but my only hope (Im Mandy Moore now apparently) is that Karma will come around for them too.
So, seriously, if you are unhappy with your situation, or how a relationship/friendship/etc played out, take a harder look at how you played someone else, even if you dont think you did, chances are you did and Alicia Keys and I are just pointing out "what goes around comes around, its called Karma baby and it goes around."

Just for fun, one day I want to just speak in song lyrics. I wont say thats what Im doing, but it would be really interesting to see who would catch on.

Enough for now bitches.
the angry bee.